Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Rachel Carson is responsible for the unnecessary death of millions of Africans because she wrote a book called Silent Spring".

DDT was a pesticide used for Mosquitos. Rachel Carson is indirectly blamed for millions of deaths in Africa because after she wrote Silent Sprint, the US stopped funding DDT supplies for African countries with high rates of malaria. Silent spring demonstrated that DDT was a poison when used in very large quantities and can be harmful to humans, animals and plants. The US has been funding bed nets and basic insecticides for African countries; the article "Save the World" Enviros Are Killing Millions of African Kids" gives more details about the issue. It addresses the issue of whether the law "should promote human life, or should it sacrifice human beings and their quality of life on the altar of Gaia?"
This issue is a true dilemma: By suppressing the use of DDT in third world countries, other issues such as higher mortality rates arise. With all the scientific resources available to the US, there should be an alternative to DDT for mosquitoes extermination and to get malaria under control. The fact that DDT is not safe for humans is no excuse for so many lives to be lost to malaria.

More details are available at

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